MARTECMA workshop Scrubbers workshop 29 May 12

Events | 27 June 2012

The Forum was carried out in Metropolitan Hotel on 29May12, between 09:00h – 18:00h, in the presence of abt 50 attendees, 30 participants and 20 observers.

The workshop was based on a concrete questionnaire, covering a wide spectrum of issues related to the Scrubbers technology.6 Makers and 5 Classification Societies attended and addressed each one of the issues raised in the questionnaire.

The event turned out to be a successful one, in terms of identifying the pros and cons of the abatement technology and the pros and cons of each scrubber design.

A buffet dinner, sponsored by MARTECMA was offered.

Final invitation and presentations are attached herewith.

Congratulations to Minas Giaouzis for compiling the Questionnaire and for the efficient and succesful co-ordination of the event.

Congratulations to Stavros Daniolos for ensuring the proper and balanced attendance of Makers and Classification Societies in the workshop.

Last but not least, congratulations to Stefanos Tsonakis and Eleni Fragiadou for the excellent co-ordination of all relevant administrative tasks (….the buffet included).

Download here the Questionnaire and the list of participants

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