MARTECMA honours the memory of Stavros Daniolos supporting the NTUA

News - Press Releases | 04 February 2024

MARTECMA honours the memory of Stavros Daniolos supporting the NTUA

MARTECMA’s New Year’s Dinner was marked by the announcement of a donation of 10,000 euros to the School of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). The donation was made in memory of the esteemed MARTECMA member Stavros Daniolos, who stood out for his profound technical knowledge and his unwavering dedication to his colleagues. The donation underscores MARTECMA’s commitment to supporting education and fostering knowledge sharing within the maritime community.

The dinner that was held at the Golf Privé venue on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, brought together 263 participants, members, associate members sponsors and guests, representatives from prominent shipping companies, organizations, and the Greek maritime cluster.

Panos Kourkountis, chairman of MARTECMA, pointed out the organization’s aim to bring the members together in order to not only share information and experiences, but also address common challenges collectively. He highlighted the invaluable benefits derived from daily communication among members and the wealth of knowledge shared between them.

In a poignant moment, the wife of Stavros Daniolos, Mrs. Lilly Daniolos, was invited to present the donation to the Dean of the School of Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering at NTUA, Prof. Konstantinos. Belibasakis.

Expressing gratitude on behalf of the school, Pr. Belibasakis assured that the funds would be utilized for the maintenance of school premises. 

Additionally, a brass plaque bearing the name of Stavros Daniolos will be prominently displayed, commemorating his legacy and generosity.

MARTECMA Press Release[74]


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