

Poseidonia Greener Shipping Summit 06Jun24 / register

Events | 26 April 2024

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Read more … Generation Z

Events | 12 April 2024

Με την παρούσα επιστολή θα θέλαμε να σας προσκαλέσουμε να παρευρεθείτε στο επερχόμενο συνέδριο της με θέμα «Empowering Generation Z: Blue Economy and Ocean-related careers» που διοργανώνεται υπό την αιγίδα του Our Ocean Conference και του Our Ocean Youth Leadership Summit.

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GREEN4SEA Athens Forum 02Apr2024

Events | 24 March 2024

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GREEN4SEA Athens Forum, Tuesday 02Apr24

Events | 09 February 2024

GREEN4SEA Athens Forum, Tuesday 02Apr24,  at the Lighthouse of Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), Athens

The event at a glance
This is the 13th GREEN4SEA Forum scheduled as a full day event on Tuesday 2 April 2024 at the Lighthouse of Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center (SNFCC), Athens, to discuss a number of issues around Environmental Excellence and Sustainable Shipping as per below agenda. This is a NON PROFIT event expected to attract a target group from mainly Safety, Technical, Operations, Marine departments of Ship Operators and relevant associated industry organizations. Attendance will be FREE of charge to delegates.

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Webinar from Lloyd’s Register: Fit for 55: Optimising Compliance under the EU’s New Regime – February 7, 2024

Events | 19 January 2024

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7th Slide2Open Shipping Finance – 24.01.24 – Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall

Events | 18 January 2024

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The ISALOS.NET Maritime Conference – 13Nov2023

Events | 09 November 2023

✅ Is the shipping industry making significant progress towards decarbonization?

✅ What are the challenges and prospects of the regulatory framework for the preservation of the marine environment?

✅ What technologies are expected to lead the green transition of the maritime industry?

✅ How can the industry’s stakeholders collaborate for the benefit of environment?

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22nd Navigator 2023 | 09Nov2023

Events | 26 October 2023

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Greener Shipping Summit 07Nov23

Events | 12 June 2023

The  Greener Shipping Summit November 7, 2023 under the title “Where is Shipping Heading in the next Decade?” which was held on Tuesday, November 7, at the Eugenides Foundation was a great success.

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Greener Shipping Summit Mar23

Events | 28 March 2023

New technologies and education were the focus of the day-long summit held, March 16, at the Eugenides Foundation, Athens, organised by Newsfront / Naftiliaki under the auspices of Greece’s Martecma (Marine Technical Managers Association).

400 delegates, from 242 companies and 13 countries, attended the Summit and helped the buzz going.

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Slide2Open Shipping Finance 2023

Events | 12 March 2023

For a 6th continuous year, the Slide2Open Shipping Finance is back on 15Mar23, 09:00 – 19:00, with physical presence at Divani Caravel and will be also transmitted live streaming, engaging more than 600 participants and a rising over the internet of 22.500 participants from 104 countries.

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2023 GREEN4SEA Athens Forum

Events | 12 March 2023

GREEN4SEA Athens Forum is scheduled as a full day event on Wednesday 29Mar23 Eugenides Foundation.
The 2023 GREEN4SEA Athens Forumng global conference focuses on latest developments in green shipping including air emissions, shipping decarbonization,
ship recycling, future fuels and ESG in shipping.
Martecma members are welcome to register on the link below:

22nd NAVIGATOR 2023 – The Shipping Decision Makers Forum

Events | 12 March 2023

22nd NAVIGATOR 2023 – The Shipping Decision Makers Forum is taking place on 21Mar23, 18:00 – 21:00 in Grand Hayatt in Athens, under the auspices of MarTecMA.
Registration for MarTecMA members is free and MarTecMA members are welcome to engage in a very interesting forum.
Information on the forum at the following link:

UPDATE 04/04/2023


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2023 GREEN4SEA Athens Forum

Events | 12 March 2023

Greener Shipping Summit Mar23 is taking place on 16Mar23, 08:30 – 16:00 in Eugenides foundation in Athens, under the auspices of MarTecMA.
The summit will deal with New Technologies and education, registration for MarTecMA members is free and MarTecMA members are welcome to engage in a very interesting summit.
Agenda of the summit is attached.

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MARTECMA Pita Cutting 11 Jan 2023

Events | 28 February 2023

On the 11th of January 2023, 19:00-21:00, the Marine Technical Managers Association (MarTecMA) held its first meeting for the 2023 and back-to-back 21:00 had the traditional pita cutting in the excellent venue of the Yacht Club of Greece.

More than 140 people, members, associate members and guests, attended the meeting, which was honoured with the presence of Mrs. Ioanna Prokopiou.

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